Teeth Whitening

Get a bright white smile!
DentaClear whitening tray is a thin transparent plastic device what You can use to whiten Your teeth using peroxide gel.
DentaClear is easy to use and the results can be seen with just few steps.
Teeth whitening with DentaClear
is fast and effective. After just few steps the results are already visible and you get rid of coffe stains on your teeth. Whitening with DentaClear does not damage your teeth.

DentaClear is a perfect solution
for young people and adults – for all who want to get a beautiful and bright white smile.
It is possible to whiten your teeth fast and simple with DentaClear:
- Place the peroxide gel on DentaLine splints
- Hold the splint in your mouth during the night
- Rinse your mouth and smile!
When using DentaLine you do not have to do endless visits to your dentist to get a white smile. It is easy and comfortable to use at home!
Get your moviestar smile!
You have several possibilities:
Ask for additional information: +372 56 299 020 or
Contact us using the form below
We will get in contact You and explain how You could get Your product.
or call
+372 56 299 020, to get a personal device for whitening your teeth!